Watermyn is one of the houses of PEACH (Providence East Association of Cooperative Housing) formerly known as BACH (Brown Association for Cooperative Housing). PEACH was founded in 1970, the brainchild of student
activists at Brown stemming from a wider cooperative movement revived in
America during the sixties. It was intended to provide an alternative lifestyle
to the capitalist system. No more dorm blues, frat dreams, or nasty landlords
for PEACHsters, but a new way of living . . . not only to be practiced as a
technique for urban survival, but as a technique for global survival. The
philosophy of a co-op is based on the phenomenon of synergy, or "the more the merrier": the idea that people can
get more out of their lives by working together and helping each other than by
staying alone. PEACH is not a place for those who are just looking
for a cheap place to live and eat. We want people who believe in cooperation,
who are willing to make sacrifices, wash dishes, cook, clean, put up with and
prevent noise, and sometimes put themselves second so that everyone can live
and get along better. We are participating in an ideal. Our co-ops are places
to study, to meet people, to party, to sleep, to begin (and sometimes end)
friendships, to fall in love, to learn from others, and to learn about
PEACH is currently made up of two houses, which house nearly 30 members. Both houses offer low-cost vegetarian and vegan dining alternatives to residents and other students and non-students.
Though PEACH was founded by Brown University students, it is an incorporated entity independent of Brown University, and has an open membership. Though predominantly Brown students, recent members have included students from RISD, University of Rhode Island, and Johnson & Wales University, non-students, travelers, locals, and all sorts of other types.
More on the Watermyth
PEACH is currently made up of two houses, which house nearly 30 members. Both houses offer low-cost vegetarian and vegan dining alternatives to residents and other students and non-students.
Though PEACH was founded by Brown University students, it is an incorporated entity independent of Brown University, and has an open membership. Though predominantly Brown students, recent members have included students from RISD, University of Rhode Island, and Johnson & Wales University, non-students, travelers, locals, and all sorts of other types.
More on the Watermyth